Alphabetical listing of Tech Seekers with working relationship to SBIR involved firms

Extent and form of SBIR involvement

This extensive listing of large and mid-sized firms across all industry segments represents those

  • known to have working relationship(s) with SBIR-STTR involved firms
  • AND/OR to be actively seeking such connections.

While useful and instructive as is, we know the list is not complete.  Many of you using this site are engaged in such relationships but no-one previously has found it appropriate to document those systematically. Opportunity is therefore provided here for

  • input re. form/focus of working relationships not indicated with Tech Seekers already listed
  • or to add the names of large and mid-sized corporations who fit the Tech Seeker profile

      Forms of relationships range from simply monitoring; some product purchases; contract and/or sub-award; strategic alliances; (cross) licensing; project partnering; investment; full blown acquisition.