ExPreS more about ASSETs 2014
iP³ Components:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus accumsan blandit quam, egestas malesuada neque eleifend non. Morbi volutpat elementum dignissim. Cras eget neque et enim ullamcorper luctus. Mauris mattis sem id magna porttitor ultrices. Morbi elementum nibh et ultrices dapibus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed eu auctor ligula. Nulla sagittis tristique ante vitae pretium. Sed ornare dignissim leo, at ornare nulla semper vel. Nulla vestibulum molestie mattis.

Integer tempus sem eu vehicula dictum. Aliquam felis mi, ultrices et vehicula ac, hendrerit at est. Aliquam mauris purus, consectetur sed aliquam vel, lobortis sit amet ligula. Pellentesque placerat nulla tellus, vestibulum iaculis neque feugiat vitae. Aenean venenatis lorem a ultricies lobortis. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc faucibus feugiat rutrum. Fusce egestas ante eget ornare auctor. Etiam sit amet augue sit amet turpis sollicitudin feugiat. Nullam congue tellus at condimentum tempor. Maecenas sit amet velit ante.

Aliquam mauris purus, consectetur sed aliquam vel, lobortis sit amet ligula. Pellentesque placerat nulla tellus, vestibulum iaculis neque feugiat vitae. Aenean venenatis lorem a ultricies lobortis. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc faucibus feugiat rutrum. Fusce egestas ante eget ornare auctor. Etiam sit amet augue sit amet turpis sollicitudin feugiat. Nullam congue tellus at condimentum tempor. Maecenas sit amet velit ante.


iP3: SBIRConnect
With focus on enabling early engagement on relevant SBIR projects by interested Tech Seekers and perhaps subsequently - with their small firm collaborators - to other federal funding, the no-cost iP3Connect service is available ONLY to Tech Seekers having Retainer Accounts.
      Organized around the SBIR-STTR application and awards process and with primary focus on Phase II, this effort pro-actively supports Tech Seekers and small firms interested in these types of partnering towards
  • Timely issuance of Letters in Support of submitted proposals
  • Active project engagement (sub-award) by Tech Seekers
  • Provision of supplementary project support: Phase II parallel or Phase III contract dollars, in-kind equipment, personnel exchange etc
iP3: FutureThinking®
Also an option available ONLY to Tech Seekers having Corporate Retainer status, the organizing principle for FutureThinking draws down on the proven-effective DARPA-developed model - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - a small-scale (200-250 personnel) part of the US Department of Defense. 
     Longtime structured to look beyond current (US military) needs, DARPA's primary charge continues to be that of anticipating what technological capabilities will/may be required some time into the future and in what may be radically changed/ing conditions.  With those DARPA personnel involved enjoying a fair amount of autonomy and flexibility of operation, the aim is enable truly radical innovation.
    Though limited in number, several of the FutureThinking projects so far underway are indeed also initiating transformational outcomes and, in some instances, perhaps even beginning to redefine what may be technologically possible.
iP3: SBIRChallenge
iP3 is usefully understood as the equivalent of a Private-sector funded version of SBIR. On a pay-as-you go basis, any major or mid-sized corporation interested in systematic access into the extraordinary pool of technical talent that is SBIR awardees can submit SBIR Challenge Topics
Retainer Account status is not required
    That being the case, Topics, project type and structure vary enormously in stage of development; technical emphasis; award dollar commitment; deliverables and working relationship.