Technology Opportunity Projects - is the umbrella term used to define the various areas of technology development partnering and collaboration interest around which Tech Seekers organize their ASSETs-driven SBIR-STTR involvement.
- iP3 listed Topics seeking Proposal Submission response
- published overview of areas of technology interest as useful context for the exploratory interactions at an ASSET Forum or ...focused on event
- OR the more detailed indication of areas of interest where, as relevant, other forms of partnering or collaboration may be up for serious consideration out of an inknowvation@work®
ALL are the Tech Seeker initiatives from which we work to ensure the
...see more |
January xx |
Notify Tech Seekers by email
January xx |
General email notification to SBIR community |
January xx |
Start date to prepare TOPs by Tech Seekers
January xx |
Due date to prepare TOPs |
January xx |
Notify SBIR involved firms with potentially relative skills and capabilities |
January xx |
Pre-submission exchange of documents (White Papers, Q&A, etc)
January xx |
Webinar |
January xx |
Selection of SBIR firm(s) by Tech Seeker for formal proposal submission
January xx |
Submission |

With over $225M in various business transactions already achieved, scores of on-going working relationships currently functional and many hundred actually-useful business connections made between
- senior, decision-making personnel in large & mid-sized corporations in their role as Tech Seeker and
- those specific SBIR-STTR awardees identified through ExPreS as having skill-sets and capabilities most relevant to the particular task(s) to hand
the multi-component, now year-round ASSET system - developed and offered by long-time SBIR-STTR advocate Ann Eskesen - along with the powerful tools and other resources which underpin that system's operation is a proven effective, business-partnering resource
Collectively, the SBIR Community is arguably the largest single concentration of technical talent. The comprehensive data systematically compiled over the decades by idi for this site and for other program relevant analytical uses shows clearly that a large - and growing - number of Tech Seekers across a broad range of industry segments are already actively engaged with an important segment of SBIR-involved firm - see Tech Partnering stats.
Ironically, however, though the federal agencies regularly showcase their current crop of awardees and the inventory of funded awards is now readily accessible, actually being able to overview and to track what is going on in SBIR firms - particularly by private-sector focused corporations - systematically (and pro-actively) to mine that pool of talent to meet their - the Tech Seeker - needs can be almost impossible. Add in the sheer scale, extent, distribution and diversity of that talent pool - some 6000 currently active awardees with 500-600 new-entry annually at any time to include many start-ups and very early-stage young firms - and any effort of that type can present a daunting challenge.
Where to start? Who are they? What are they doing?
Are they any good? Will they be able to address our needs?
What types of relationship make sense?
Both for those Tech Seekers relatively new to the SBIR space as well as those having been long-time SBIR connected, the most recently added ASSETs component - the Solicitation & Proposal Submission initiative (iP3) - offers useful, project-specific access into this pool of demonstrated talent.
Through use of powerful precision-focused selection and notification techniques, emphasis is on ensuring quality and appropriateness of response. Properly engaged, this highly targeted process can be cost- and time-efficient external partnering at its sustainable best.
Open announcement, site-posted 'crowd-sourcing' this most certainly is not.

An important new resource:
With the Spring 2014 Solicitation currently in preparation, it is anticipated that, based on current levels of Tech Seeker expressed interest, this latest offering will be roughly equivalent in size and dollar commitment to one of the larger, small SBIR-involved agencies.
On-demand access to - and search of - SBIR-STTR technology & business data, brought to fruition by usefully structured formal-access opportunities.
Until the availability of ASSETs - the comprehensive and powerful database-sourced, algorithm and needs-driven system - there has not previously been
- a secure, single-source structure
- capable of supporting the SBIR-STTR interests of an entire out-sourcing Tech Seeking organization
- providing on-demand access to useful information on every awardee across every federal agency.
- various forms of structured interaction
This usefully integrated system is designed cost-effectively and time-efficiently to provide Tech Seeker(s) the tools, resources and support systematically to identify, monitor and pro-actively (and relevantly) to engage those specific capabilities of interest from among extensive pool of technical talent that is SBIR awardees.

SBIR has been - and continues to be - an important, tech-funding resource: but changed/ing times suggest value (need) to think differently about program usage.
Functioning in radically different business and economic conditions, currently SBIR-active must now content with
- fewer SBIR awards being made
- agencies and reviewers becoming more risk averse and
- SBIR rules of engagement far more demanding
Third-party interest will continue for agencies to be useful indicator of potential value of SBIR project under review: these days far earlier in the application process.
How better to meet that agency requirement than by also pro-actively using SBIR involvement and capability validation
- to initiate contact relationship(s) with interested industry players
- to respond to their areas of partnering interest garnering external resources and dollars?
Integrated multi-component system to support full and effective engagement of relevant SBIR talent |
- Expedited access, useful tools and resources for those seriously interested in systematic and sustainable SBIR engagement
- A la carte, facilitated access for those with less extensive partnering requirements
In-system cataloging of your areas of expertise: self- managed Detailed Business Profile, Competency Listings & available technologies |
- On-site searchable by interested Tech Seekers
- Pro-active, facilitated access by ASSETs Corporate Clients with specific partnering requirements